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Kinky molecules

When plants make oils, they prefer kinky molecules. Molecules that are straight can pack together into dense solid clumps, while kinky molecules stay liquid.

What makes the molecules kinky are cis double bonds. Most of the bonds between carbon atoms in fats and oils are single bonds, because most of the carbons are saturated with as many hydrogen atoms as they can hold, and they only have one bond left for the next carbon. Some molecules (monounsaturated fatty acids) have a double bond in them. Some (polyunsaturated fatty acids) have more than one double bond.

The carbons that share a double bond between them have only one hydrogen each. If the hydrogens are on the same side of the double bond, then the molecule kinks at the bond, forming an angle. If the hydrogens are on opposite sides, then the molecule has no kinks, and it is straight.

The organism that created the fatty acid went to some trouble to make all of the double bonds kinky (called the cis orientation, meaning “on the same side”). If we heat up the oil, we shake up the molecule, and the bonds rearrange somewhat at random, sometimes forming kinky cis bonds, but quite often forming straight trans bonds (meaning “on opposite sides”).

Trans fatty acids stack together and form solids. When they are incorporated into the cell walls in arteries, they stiffen the arteries. When they are incorporated into the myelin sheathing of nerve cells in the brain, they can cause neurodegenerative diseases. Trans fats also raise the levels of the bad form of cholesterol (LDL), and lower the levels of the good form (HDL). People who eat trans fats have nearly twice the risk of heart attack as those who avoid them.

Some 20 carbon long cis fatty acids are processed by enzymes to form prostaglandins, prostacyclins, thromboxanes and leucotrienes and other eicosanoids that the body uses to control important processes like the immune system. The trans forms of the same fatty acids don’t fit the enzymes, and can’t be made into eicosanoids.

Fully hydrogenated fats are also straight molecules, and are generally solids. Since they have no double bonds, they don’t oxidize as readily, and so they don’t go rancid as quickly as oils. They have longer shelf lives, and form the solid parts of butterfat and lard. To make similar solid fats from vegetable oils, the food industry invented hydrogenation. This is a process where the oils are heated in vessels with compressed hydrogen and some metal catalysts, to add hydrogen to the carbons at the double bonds, converting the bonds to single bonds.

Since fully saturated fats are too solid and wax-like for cooking, the hydrogenation process is not allowed to complete, so the result is a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fats. But because of the high heat used in the process, many of the cis bonds that remain have been converted to trans bonds.

A better process would be to convert all of the unsaturated fatty acids to fully saturated fats, and then to add back some unprocessed oil to thin the mixture to the right consistency. Some trans fat would still remain, since chemical reactions do not usually go fully to completion, but the levels would be much lower. However, it is cheaper to just stop the process when the consistency is right.

Categories: Biology, Chemistry, Food, Health.

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The world is no longer your oyster

Tiny plankton called coccolithophores remove carbon dioxide from the air. They make little shells of calcium carbonate from CO2 and when they die, they sink to the bottom of the ocean and make the sediments from which limestone is formed. They are also an important food source for many other creatures in the ocean, including most of what we catch and eat.

But the CO2 that they can’t scavenge may cause them to go extinct in as little as 35 years.

What is happening is that CO2 levels are increasing. This is making the oceans more acidic. If the oceans are not slightly alkaline, then creatures that use calcium carbonate for their shells can’t make the shells. The calcium carbonate simply dissolves in the less alkaline water.

Of course, if the coccolithophores go away, the CO2 will build up much faster. Other creatures that make their defenses out of calcium carbonate will also go extinct, such as corals, clams, oysters, abalone, mussels — basically all of the creatures that make the seashells we collect on the beach. All gone. In our lifetime.

Animals that depend on those species will also go away. Starfish, cod, sea otters, walruses — all feed on creatures that depend on calcium carbonate to survive.

In past periods of high CO2 levels, mass extinctions occurred, and levels of carbon dioxide only fell after mountain formation or new species evolved that sequestered carbon in the soil or in wood fibers. These are slow fixes. We won’t live long enough to see them happen.

Present levels of CO2 are higher than at any time during the last 420,000 years, the length of time recorded in Antarctic ice cores. These cores show levels with a brief peak of 315 parts per million. Current levels are 381 ppm, and are expected to reach as high as 550 ppm by 2050.

Feedback mechanisms mean that extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes heating, which causes more carbon dioxide and methane to be released from the ocean, which causes more heating.

It’s not just the heat. High carbon dioxide levels cause mass extinctions. And current levels are higher than anything in the last half million years, and getting higher at a rate of 1.2 ppm per year.

We should expect that rate to accelerate due to feedback effects.

And, of course, we continue to burn fossil fuels and put more CO2 into the air.

Categories: Biology, Chemistry, Environment, Geology, Weather.

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Sleep diet

Because the bathroom scale is always just sitting there, and I am a curious person, I weigh myself before going to bed, and then again in the morning. I find that I lose about 1% of my body weight by sleeping. If one third of my day is spent sleeping, and I want to lose 20 pounds, it would seem that the easiest way to do so would be to sleep for three days straight.

Eve Van Cauter has been studying sleep for a long time. While I am sure she would not recommend my sleep diet as a weight loss method, she has found that sleep regulates the levels of hormones that control appetite, and that not getting enough sleep makes people hungry.

In December of 2004, she published a study of 12 healthy young men, where she found that levels of the hunger causing hormone ghrelin increased, and levels of the hunger preventing hormone leptin decreased. The appetites of the men increased when they were allowed only 4 hours of sleep, and they especially craved calorie dense foods high in carbohydrates. When allowed 10 hours of sleep, their appetites returned to normal.

Leptin is reduced by the hormone melatonin during the night. Light prevents melatonin from being produced in the body. Artificial lighting at night reduces the amount of time that melatonin is produced, and this can reduce the leptin levels, causing hunger and cravings.

Leptin is produced in the fat cells, and tells the body how much energy is stored away. It not only regulates hunger, but it regulates the metabolism that burns energy. Low levels of leptin are associated with obesity.

It may be the beauty sleep that keeps you thin, or it may just be that you need more than 4 hours in the dark to produce enough melatonin to keep the leptin levels down. The exact number of hours of sleep (in the dark) that you need is probably higher than the 4 hours used in the study. Other studies have shown that sleep is necessary for memory, and suggest that at least 7 hours is required for full function.

Turn out the lights, and get to sleep.

Categories: Biology, Chemistry, Food, Health.

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Impedance matching

Levers do it.
Pulleys do it.
Ramps, transformers, gears, megaphones, and wheelbarrows do it.
Even screws do it.

Match impedance, that is.

Impedance is the opposition to the flow of energy.

If you try to lift your refrigerator, you will experience an opposition to the flow of energy. The refrigerator will just sit there, and you will get tired. The ability of your muscles to lift the weight is not matched to the weight.

There are a number of ways you can lift a 500 pound refrigerator by matching the impedance of your muscles to the impedance of the load. You could push the load up a ramp. You could use a lever, or a block and tackle, or a hydraulic jack, or a screw jack. Each of these devices allows you to trade lifting the 500 pound load for lifting a smaller load, say 50 pounds. You generally trade off time, pushing 50 pounds for ten seconds instead of 500 pounds in one second. The same amount of energy is expended, but at a much lower power level.

When impedances are mismatched, energy put into the system is reflected back. If you jump on a see-saw with a refigerator on the other end, you will bounce back off as if you were on a diving board. But if you move the fulcrum closer to the refrigerator, you can jump onto the see-saw, and your end will move down, lifting the heavy load at the other end.

You can line up a row of billiard balls, and hit the row with the cue ball, and the last ball in the row will shoot off down the table. But if one of the balls is made of steel, the cue ball will simply bounce off of it, and most of the energy will be reflected.

We can match the impedances to get the steel ball to move. We put a row of balls in front of it, each one made of a slightly lighter weight material than the last, until the ball nearest us is almost the same mass as the cue ball. Now the speeding cue ball will stop dead when it hits the row of balls, and the steel ball will slowly move off down the table, having absorbed all of the energy.

When you shout to a friend who is underwater in a swimming pool, the sound from your voice bounces off the water, and very little sound energy gets to your friend’s ears. But take a traffic cone and put the narrow end of it into the water and shout into the large end. Now your friend can hear you, because the low pressure sound waves over a large area are converted into high pressure waves over a small area, and the water moves from the high power sound. Here we are not trading time. Instead, we are trading a large area for a smaller one.

An electrical transformer also matches impedance. It takes high voltage, low current energy, and matches it to a load the needs low voltage, high current. It also works the other way around. Without the transformer, most of the energy is reflected back to the source, and little work gets done.

A water nozzle is an impedance matcher. So is cupping your hand behind your ear.
A telescope is an impedance matcher. So is a magnifying glass, or a winding mountain road, or the gears on your bicycle.

Now that you are aware of impedance matchers, you will start to see them everywhere.

Categories: Physics.

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It isn’t Doppler

The Big Bang was not an explosion of matter into space like a bomb.

Instead, space itself expanded, allowing the matter in it to cool and condense from a hot plasma into the stars and galaxies we see today. The matter in the universe is not flying away from the center of some explosion. The matter is just sitting there, and the space it is sitting in is expanding.

Space, as far as we know, is infinite. And as far as we know, it was infinite at the time of the Big Bang. All of the matter in the universe was packed so densely that the bits that make up the farthest galaxies we can see were all within a few inches of each other a fraction of a second after the Big Bang. But there was matter packed that densely infinitely in all directions.

We can’t see all that other matter, because the light from it hasn’t reached us yet. When someone says that the universe was the size of a baseball at some moment in time, they mean that all the matter we can see was crowded into that size. Space was still infinite, and filled with an infinite amount of matter.

When we look deep into space, we see galaxies that formed billions of years ago. They are billions of light years away from us. An observer in one of those galaxies could look in the same direction we are looking, and see galaxies that we cannot see, even more billions of light years away. All of infinite space is filled with galaxies. We can only see those within 46 billion light years from us because the light from galaxies farther away has not had time to reach us yet.

Space continues to expand. Those faraway galaxies keep getting farther away. But they are not moving through space away from us. Space itself is expanding, so there is more space between us and the faraway galaxies. Because space itself is expanding, the distance between you and some distant galaxy is getting larger at a speed that exceeds the speed of light.

Matter cannot move though space at the speed of light, let alone faster than the speed of light. But because space itself is expanding, the farther away something is from us, the faster it recedes from us. At some distance, that recession speed is equal to the speed of light. Beyond that distance, the recession speed is greater than the speed of light. And infinitely far away, there are galaxies receding at an infinite speed. But they are not moving through space at that speed.

As the light from distant galaxies travels towards us, the space it travels through is continually expanding. This causes the light waves to gradually stretch. Longer waves are said to be “redder” than shorter waves, because red light has a longer wavelength than blue light. Galaxies very far away are redshifted so much that the light is no longer in the visible portion of the spectrum.

But it isn’t just light that gets stretched. All events are stretched. If a star expands and contracts on, say, a weekly basis, nearby observers will see the light from that star get brighter and dimmer every week. But an observer farther away will see the time between bright and dim phases take longer. At some distance they will see the star vary every two weeks. Farther out, it may take a month. This is because the space between the observer and the star has expanded, and the distance between the bright periods grows.

Some people refer to the redshift associated with the expansion of space as a Doppler shift. This is incorrect. A Doppler shift is what happens when a periodic signal is emitted from a source that is moving through space relative to the observer. Suppose a train was blowing its whistle as it receded from you. You would hear the sound get lower in pitch if it accelerated away from you. But if it receded at a constant velocity, the sound would keep the same pitch. If the train then stopped moving, the sound would rise back up to its original pitch.

The redshift that occurs because space is expanding does not work that way. Because the distance between peaks in the wave is getting larger as time goes by, the light gets redder as time goes by, no matter how the source of the light has moved through space in the meantime.

The difference between a Doppler red shift and the red shift due to expanding space is easiest to see when the distances are greatest. A Doppler shift of the light from a galaxy moving away from us at the speed of light would be infinite. The peaks of the wave would be an infinite distance apart. But we see galaxies receding from us at the speed of light, and the light from them is stretched by only one and a half times. We say that a galaxy with a redshift of 1.5 is receding at the speed of light. We can currently see about a thousand galaxies that have redshifts larger than 1.5, which are receding from us at speeds greater than the speed of light.

The cosmic microwave background, the light from the hot plasma of the early universe, has been stretched about a thousand-fold in the 13.6 billion years it has taken to reach us. The location in space where that light originated is receding from us at 50 times the speed of light.

The most distant objects we can see in the universe are about 46 billion light years away. The universe is only 13.6 billion years old, but because space has been expanding for that long, the distance between us and something that emitted light 13.6 billion years ago is about three times as far away as it would have been had space not been expanding.

The speed of the expansion of space is constant. This means that objects that are bound together by forces such as gravity or electromagnetic forces will stay the same size as space expands. If the expansion of space were accelerating, this would not be the case, and eventually all particles in the universe would drift apart in what has been called a “big rip”. But recent observations have shown that the rate of expansion is not increasing.

Categories: Astronomy, Physics, Space.

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By Simon Quellen Field
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