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  1. Lots of fun at SciFoo 2010

    Aug 3, 2010 — rev="post-237" No Comments
  2. A Story with a Curious Twist

    Jan 24, 2010 — rev="post-216" No Comments
  3. Long Distance WiFi

    Nov 1, 2009 — rev="post-68" No Comments
  4. The Amazing People I Met at SciFoo09

    Jul 13, 2009 — rev="post-188" No Comments
  5. Science Foo

    Aug 7, 2007 — rev="post-169" No Comments
  6. Maker Faire

    Apr 22, 2006 — rev="post-143" No Comments
  7. Making a quick buck

    Mar 16, 2006 — rev="post-38" No Comments
By Simon Quellen Field
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