class Serial
private $fd;
public function open( $port )
exec( 'mode ' . $port . ' baud=115200 data=8 stop=1 parity=n' );
$this->fd = dio_open( $port, O_RDWR );
return $this->fd;
public function close()
dio_close( $this->fd );
public function readline()
if( $this->fd )
$line = "";
while( ($ch = dio_read( $this->fd, 1 )) != "\n" )
if( $ch != "\r" )
$line .= $ch;
return $line;
class Temperature_Database
public $stmt;
public $mysqli;
public function __construct()
global $mean;
global $std_dev;
$db_name = "temperature";
// This program can be called with optional arguments:
// --database=foo the name of the database to use
// --new delete the old database first
$options = getopt( "", [ "database::", "new::" ] );
$drop_it = FALSE;
foreach( array_keys( $options ) as $key )
if( $key == "new" )
$drop_it = TRUE;
if( $key == "database" )
$db_name = $options[$key];
print( "Using database $db_name\n" );
// Connect to the MySql server on localhost
$this->mysqli = new mysqli( 'localhost', 'root', '' )
or die( 'Could not connect: ' . mysqli_error() );
// Optionally start a fresh database by dropping the old one
if( $drop_it )
print( "Droping database $db_name\n" );
$this->mysqli->query( 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ' . $db_name )
or die( "Could not drop database $db_name" );
// Create the database if it does not exist
$this->mysqli->query( 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $db_name )
or die( "Could not create database $db_name" );
// Select the database
$this->mysqli->select_db( $db_name )
or die( "Could not select database $db_name" );
// $this->mysqli->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temps");
// Create a table of data if this is a new database
$create_table = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS temps ("
. " mean DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
. " std_dev DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
. " reg_date TIMESTAMP )";
$this->mysqli->query( $create_table )
or die( 'Create table failed: ' . $this->mysqli->error );
// Prepare our insert query
$this->stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare(
"INSERT INTO temps( mean, std_dev ) VALUES( ?, ? )" )
or die( 'Prepare failed: ' . $this->mysqli->error );
// And bind it
$this->stmt->bind_param( "dd", $mean, $std_dev )
or die( 'Bind_param failed: ' . $this->mysqli->error );
public function save_temp()
// This will execute our previously prepared and bound insert query
or die( 'Insert failed: ' . $this->mysqli->error );
$serial = new Serial();
$db = new Temperature_Database();
if( $serial->open( "com3:" ) )
for( ;; )
$line = $serial->readline();
$pieces = explode( ",", $line );
$mean = $pieces[0];
$std_dev = $pieces[1];
print( "Mean: " . $mean . ", Standard Deviation: " . $std_dev . PHP_EOL );
print( "Can't open com3:" );